Sunday 5 August 2012

By wound from the spur of a Game Cock.

1 Death from hanging while suffering from delirium tremens.
2 Inflammation of Brain of a child, accelerated by neglect of mother in not getting medical aid.
3 Strangulation while insane.
4 Lock-jaw, caused by wound from the spur of a Game Cock.
5 Suffocation in bed.
6 Falling down a ship's hold.
7 Sudden death from excessive drinking.
8 Disease of Lungs and Heart.
9 Manslaughter against some person or persons unknown.
10 Newly born Male Infant found dead—Wilful Murder against some person or persons unknown.
11 Fracture of skull at Ratcliff Gas Works.
12 Suffocation in bed—an Infant.
13 Drowning in the London Docks.
14 Suffocation in a Barge.
15 Extravasation of blood on brain from a fall.
16 Suffocation in bed—an Infant.
17 Ditto.
18 Drowning in water of London Docks.
19 Sudden death—ulceration of stomach with perforation, accelerated by herb powders administered by a herbalist.
20 Excessive drinking.
21 Suffocation in bed—an Infant.
22 Drowning while of unsound mind.
23 From exposure and want—a Chinaman.
24 Poisoning by Sulphate of Copper
25 Congestion of the Lungs.
26 Compound fracture of the scull from falling down a ships hold.
27 Fractured scull on board ship.
28 Found dead—Post Mortem—Diseased heart
29 Run over by a sugar truck.
30 Thrown from cart while drunk.
31 Cutting her throat while insane
32 Run over by a cart.
33 Drowned in London Docks.
34 Sudden death—Male child—Convulsions
35 Male Child—Exposure to cold.
36 Suffocation in bed—Female Child.
37 Sudden death—Post Mortem—Pleurisy.
38. Ditto.—Paralysis.
30 Suffocation in bed—Female child.
40 Ditto. — while parents were drunk.
41 Sudden death—engorged Lungs—Post Mortem.
42 Fractured scull—falling down a ships hold.
43 Epilepsy.
44 Suffocation in bed—A child.
45 Ditto.

a list of Coroner's inquests for the year, 
from Medical Officer of Health's Report for 1860, St. George in the East, 1860

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