existence of Spasmodic Cholera in London having been official announced, the
Medical Officers attached to the City of London Board of Heath deem it
important to make known to the inhabitants of the City that this disease is
very frequently proceeded for some hours or even days by a looseness and
disordered state of bowels. They therefore strongly recommend that all persons
so affect, even though previously subject to such complaints, should, without
delay, seek medical assistance; and they confidently believe that many lives
will be saved by a strict and early attention to this advice. When the attack
of Cholera is sudden, it is usually marked by pain at the pit of the stomach, repeated
vomitting and purging, violent cramps, coldness of the hands and feet,
contracted countenance, and eyes deeply sunk in their sockets.
other symptoms may be present, but these will be sufficient to mark the nature
of the case; and then no time should be lost in having recourse to professional
aid. In the mean time the patient should be placed in bed between hot blankets,
and dry heat, by means of bottles of hot water wrapped in flannel, or bags of
heated sand or salt, should be applied to the spine and limbs. Warm poultices,
made with equal parts of flour of mustard and linseed meal or bread, should be
laid over the stomach and belly, and the limbs should be unremittingly rubbed
in a direction towards the body. In addition to these external applications, a
dessert spoonful of flour of mustard, in half a pint of warm water, may be
given, withh a view to excite full vomiting. The patient should be kept in a
horizontal position, and his powers should be supported by moderate draughts of
brandy and water, or spiced beef tea.
From the
measures adopted in this city by the Board of Health and the various local
Boards with which it is associated, medical assistance will be at all times so
readily available, that the above directions are deemed sufficient to occupy
the attention of private friends until such aid be obtained. Hospitals for the
reception of chiolera patients are now in preparation, to which competent
officers will be appointed; and if any patients who may be admitted should
prefer being attended by their own medical advisers, these gentlemen will be at
all times freely admitted.
To those
who feel alarmed at residing in the neighbourhood of these establishments, the
following quotation from a Treatise on Cholera, written by a distinguished
Physician who visited Dantzic during its prevalence in that city, may serve to
give confidence: "The example of Dantzic has already taught us that
Hospitals may be established in the midst of other houses, without increasing
the number of sick in their vicinity.
conclusion, the public are reminded that though the treatment of this malady
must be confided to medical care, it is to their own attention to sobriety, and
cleanliness of person and habitation, that they must look for a probability of
exemption from its attacks.