Thursday 20 October 2011

Women's Work

Here's in what occupations women said they were employed for the 1881 census. Servants, milliners, dressmakers, laundresses are perhaps quite predictable. See if you can find how many miners, and how many doctors ...

7167412 Returned by Property, Rank and not by Special Occupation
1763207 Children under five years of age

1,230,406 Indoor Servant
357,995 Milliner, Dressmaker, Staymaker
302,367 Cotton Manufacture
176,670 Washing and Bathing Service
94,241 Schoolmistresses
92,474 Charwoman
81,865 Shirtmaker, Seamstress
63,801 Worsted Manufacture
58,501 Woollen Cloth Manufacture
52,980 Tailor
40,346 Agricultural Labourer or Farm Servant
39,695 Silk Goods Manufacture
35,672 Shoemaker or Dealer
35,175 Sub-Medical Service or sick Nursing
32,890 Lodging or Boarding House Keeper
32,785 Lace Manufacturer, Dealer
28,781 Draper, Mercer
28,605 Teacher, or Professor and Lecturer
27,983 Straw Manufacture
26,487 Inn or Hotel servant
26,422 Grocer
25,772 General Shopkeeper
21,510 Hosiery Manufacture
20,614 Farmer and Grazier
17,877 Earthenware
17,660 Costermonger
13,261 Glove Maker
13,051 Confectioner
12,709 Inn or Hotel Keeper, Publican
11,526 Hospital and Institution Service
11,376 Musician and Music Teacher
10,592 Bookbinders
9,138 Nail Manufacture
9,072 Hat Manufacture (not straw)
8,718 Paper Box and Bag maker
8,575 Tobacco, Tobacconist
8,277 Paper – Manufacture
7,985 Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer
7,853 Flax, Linen Manufacturer
7,817 Factory hand (undefined)
7,633 Baker
7,524 Machinist
6,855 Greengrocer
6,185 Fancy Goods (Textile)
5,989 Commercial Clerk
5,329 Provision, Curer, Dealer
5,261 Stationer
5,190 Carpet
5,176 Fustian Manufacturer, Dealer
4,888 Trimmings
4,686 Hosier, Haberdasher
4,461 Artificial Flower Maker
4,443 Milkseller
4,351 Tin goods
4,301 Office Keeper (not Gov.)
4,238 Factory Labourer (undefined)
4,185 Brush Maker
4,179 Warehousewoman (Not Manchester)
4,121 Button Maker
4,112 Umbrellas, Sticks, &c
3,932 Cotton, Calico Printer &c.
3,795 Nun, or Sister of Charity
3,753 Goldsmith and Jeweller
3,728 Beer, &c. Dealer
3,496 Butcher
3,465 Skins – Furrier
3,216 Civil Service (officers and clerks)
3,099 Miners – Coal
3,017 Municipal Parish Union or District Officers
2,893 General Labourer
2,738 Brick maker or Dealer
2,664 Coffee or Eating House
2,646 Midwife
2,611 Mixed Materials – Weaver
2,595 Turner, Box Maker
2,525 Cane, Straw – Basket Maker
2,520 Embroiderer and others
2,503 Steel Pen, Maker or Dealer
2,368 Actor
2,364 Gardener (not Domestic)
2,344 Bolt, Nut, Screw Maker
2,297 Hemp, Jute, Manufacture
2,255 Artisan (undefined)
2,228 Telegraph and Telephone Service
2,209 Metal Burnisher, Lacquerer
2,202 Printers
2,093 Rope, Cord Maker, Dealer
2,089 Quill, Feather Dresser
2,074 Needle, Maker or Dealer
2,035 Saddler
2,029 French Polisher
1,977 Others [?unclear, comes after Goldsmith, Lapidary]
1,933 Envelope Maker
1,921 China or Glass Dealer
1,903 Miners – Tin
1,891 Other Iron and Steel
1,887 Fireworks
1,880 Painter
1,840 Dyer, Bleacher &c.
1,777 Sacking, Bag, Maker and others
1,753 Cook (not Domestic)
1,743 Hair – Bristle worker
1,707 Church, Chapel, Cemetery, Officer or Servant
1,692 Glass Manufacture
1,672 Thread Manufacturer, Dealer
1,663 Old Clothes Dealer and others
1,660 Missionary Scripture Reader, Minister, Itinerant Preacher
1,610 Messenger, Porter, or Watchman (not Gov.)
1,583 Cutler, Maker or Dealer
1,539 Japanner
1,481 Net Maker
1,448 India Rubber Worker
1,439 Salesman, Buyer
1,438 Publisher, Bookseller, Librarian
1403 Rag Dealer
1,374 Blanket Manufacture
1,346 Portmanteau, Bag, Strap, &c.
1,309 Photographer
1,278 Pawnbroker
1,233 Tackle, Toymaker or Dealer
1,206 File, Maker or Dealer
1,186 Ribbon Manufacture
1,168 Coal Merchant or Dealer
1,159 Tape Manufacturer, Dealer
1,149 School service, and otherwise engaged in teaching
1,129 Newspaper Agent, News Room Keeper
1,128 Manufacturing Chemist
1,059 Art Student
1,006 Crape, Gauze Manufacture
991 Anchor and Chain Manufacture
982 Brass, Bronze
978 Timber – Dealer
955 Furniture Broker
906 Ironmonger, Hardware Dealer
838 Pewterer, &c.
801 Fancy Chain or Toy Maker, and others
783 Corn Flour, Seed Dealer
775 Watch and Clock Maker
768 Wigmaker, Hairdresser
759 Apprentice
748 Lodge, Gate or Park Keeper
738 Pipes, Snuffbox, &c
734 Nurserywoman, Seedswoman, Florist
731 Carman, Carrier and Carter
725 Ticket, Label Writer, and others
687 Spinning and Weaving Machine Maker
684 Mustard, Spices &c. Dealer
668 Poulterer
650 Cloth, Stuff, Dealer and others
631 Chemist, Druggist
599 College or Club Service
584 Prison Officers &c
563 Fishing rods, &c.
560 Currier
553 Civil Service (messengers &c)
525 Manufacturer Superintendent (undefined)
521 Wire Worker
520 Performers
511 Broker, Agent, and Factor
503 Lamp, Candlestick
495 Pin, Maker or Dealer
479 Mat Maker
479 Clasp, Buckle
477 Other Railway Servants
470 Flannel Manufacture
454 Painter and Glazier
452 Author, Editor, Journalist
445 Paper Stainer
440 Card maker
422 Wine or Spirit Merchant, or Agent
408 Shawl Manufacture
389 Dye, Paint Manufacture
387 Roads. Turnpike Gate Keeper
386 Ship Steward or Cook
381 Oil and Colour
379 Calico Dealer
378 Waterproof Goods and others
371 Brewer
353 Bargewoman or Waterwoman
353 Cheesemonger
352 Locksmith and Bellhanger
347 Blacksmith
337 Ginger Beer Manufacturer and Dealer
330 Surgical Instrument Maker
330 Carver and Gilder
304 Vegetable substances, Others
301 Engine Machine Maker
300 Corn Miller
300 Metal (undefined) Worker, Dealer
294 Fisherwoman
293 Other Service
286 Cellarwoman
281 Art, Music, Theatre Service
280 Lapidary
279 Soap Boiler
274 Canvas, Sailcloth
267 Miners – Copper
266 Comb Maker and others
255 Accountrement Maker
247 Persons occupied in Insurance
245 Miners – Lead and undefined
241 Musical Instrument Maker or Dealer
240 Omnibus and Cab owner, Livery Stables
240 Plumber
234 Music Publishers
231 Miners – Ironstone
227 Cork Cutter and Dealer and others
222 Chandler
220 Philosophical Instrument Optician
219 Gunsmith
216 Carpenter or Joiner
216 Coachmaker
212 Dog or Bird Dealer
206 House and Shop Fittings
195 Weighing Apparatus Maker
192 Undertaker, and others
191 Tools, Maker or Dealer
174 Crossing Sweeper
171 Railway. Pointswoman, Level Crossing
166 Map and Print Colourer and Seller
159 Animal or Bird Preserver
159 Salt. Maker or Dealer
158 Glue, Isinglass, &c. Maker
157 Ink, Blacking
155 Bone, Ivory &c. Worker
147 Gasfitter
142 Charcoal Burner or Dealer
141 Lead Goods
135 Lithographer
135 Builder
133 Literary or Scientific Service
122 Gunpowder, Explosives Manufacture
122 Clay, Sand &c. Dealer
119 Sugar Refiner
118 Silk Dyer
118 Silk Dealer
109 Dealer in Works of Art
108 Mason
103 Other Gamers, Maker or Dealer
103 Cooper
102 Oil Miller, Oil Cake
100 Law Clerks, or otherwise connected with
100 Saw, Maker or Dealer
97 Wheelwright
97 Drysalter
95 Paperhanger
91 Navigation service (on shore)
91 Tanner, Fellmonger
89 Accountant
85 Catsmeat Dealer, &c.
85 Bricklayer
84 Bank Service
77 Refuse Matters. Chimney Sweep
76 Bicycle Maker and others
75 Others, agricultural
74 Patten Maker
73 Pencil, Wood, Maker or Dealer
70 Harbour Dock or Lighthouse Service
64 Medical Student, or Assistant
64 Engraver
59 Auctioneer, Appraiser, House Agent
58 Railway Carriage maker
58 Maltster
55 Manure Manufacture
53 Agricultural Machine Maker
53 Die, Seal or Medal Maker
50 Inland Navigation
50 Hay, Astraw (not plait)
50 Copper Goods Manufacture or Dealer
49 Horse Proprietor and Horse Breaker
47 Sail Maker
46 Billiards, &c.
46 Plaster Manufacture
45 Gardener
45 Felt Manufacture
44 Wool, Dyer, Printer
41 Plasterer and Whitewasher
41 Whitesmith
39 Ships, Ship Builder
39 Lime Burner
38 Proprietor or Attendant, Agricultural Machine
33 Navy
33 Image Maker or Dealer
32 Type Cutter
32 Slate – Worker
30 Mine Service
28 Wood Carver
28 Woolstaper
27 Ship Rigger
27 Contractor
26 Electrical Apparatus Maker
25 Physician, or General Practitioner
25 Cattle or Sheep Dealer
24 Parchment Maker or Dealer
24 Zinc Goods
22 Floor Cloth Manufacture
21 Domestic Machinery, Maker and Dealer
20 Waterworks’ Service and others
19 Fossil Dealer
18 Lath, Hurdle Maker
17 Army Pensioners
17 Fuller
16 Sculptor
16 Manchester Warehousewoman
15 Reporter or Shorthand writer
14 Wheel Chair Proprietor
14 Slater
12 Copper and Steel Plate Printer
10 Hop Merchant
7 Alkali Manufacture
5 Merchants
5 Banker
4 Sword or Bayonet Maker

list of women's employments based on the 1881 census, taken from
The Englishwoman's Review February 15, 1884


  1. Interesting. My great-great aunt was a doctor at that date (qualified in 1877), but she went to work in India in 1880, so would have missed the census. I think there a couple of dozen others, though: it's surprising they don't appear at all.

  2. Have you noted:-

    "25 Physician, or General Practitioner"

    Does that cover it?

    best wishes, Lee

  3. Aha - I think it does! Thanks.

  4. There are 64 medical students or assistants... so maybe change is happening slowly.

    I'm surprised by 17 army pensioners and even more surprised by the miners since this is the 1881 census and in 1842, a law was passed that stopped women and children under ten years from working underground in mines in Britain. In fairness it doesn't specify that they are working underground, though it does say they are miners, nor pithead workers.

  5. The article makes a point of saying some are in professions through being widows to men from that profession - perhaps inherited husband's pension. I guess that would apply to lots of army widows, but perhaps only that number chose to categorise themselves in that way. I know nothing about army pensions, mind you.

    The few (30) in 'mine service' might suggest that at least some of the 'miners' are pithead workers but that either the census or magazine article author has classified them as miners. I can't recall if Arthur Munby met any women miners - again, I think it would have been pithead workers.

  6. The 3,000 will be the pit brow lasses of the Lancashire coalfields. It was surface work but done in other areas by men. So I'd expect the census to classify them as miners.

    I don't think these are the occupations returned on the census forms themselves but a summary prepared by census takers. Cotton Manufacture for example would include dozens of different occupations. The census lists I've seen show precise job titles.

  7. Four sword or bayonet makers? There's a story there that needs telling, methinks.

  8. The most thought-provoking aspect of this list to my mind is how many of these ways for people to earn money (it's stretching it a bit to call some of them professions) simply no longer exist, irrespective of whether the opportunities are there for women or men.

  9. Yes, good point - although I've no idea how many types of jobs turn up on a modern census.

  10. I suspect that a lot of prostitutes lied about their profession - also surprised at the high number of teachers at a %age of the total.

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